I have been working with the Taber Players for many years now, mostly behind the scenes work mostly setting up and running the lights and sound. I started to be the one they would call whenever they needed help, whether it be just a consultation or setting up for a show.
After starting college they talked to me about how they could build their audience and turned to me. Considering I am one of the youngest people working with them I guess they assumed I would be an expert. We worked out an online strategy which involved building a website as well as building their Facebook audience.
When I began this project all I had to work with was their logo as the fact that they want a website. They never had any other wants or requirements so I was left with the freedom to do what I wanted. Unfortunately, with this being my first real website I never really had any idea what I was doing, luckily with what we were learning during my time at the Lethbridge College in the Multimedia Production program I was able to make my way through it.
I started with a WordPress installation, partially because I wanted to try it, I also knew they would likely want others to be able to edit it easily. I also didn’t want them to be completely reliant on me in case I am unable to keep it up in the future. I decided to keep it just at simple blog template because they primarily want it to convey information about their shows as well as any other local theatre related news.
I also had to set up a color scheme for everything. I decided to go for a dark theme for the base of everything. For the rest of the color scheme I went with a green and purple. I came to this because of their darker nature as well as being good contrasting colors. I must say that the color tools offered by adobe at color.adobe.com was a real help in the process of color.